The CleanFeed

  • Kitchen Contamination: The Truth About Hidden Germs and How to Beat Them

    Kitchen Contamination: The Truth About Hidden Germs and How to Beat Them

    By Carl Pronti

    As shocking as this might sound – your kitchen might be dirtier than your bathroom. That's because E. coli and other bacteria thrive in various hot spots across the kitchen. Even when you do clean, your cloths and sponges hold...

  • 5 Common Stains in the Kitchen and How To Clean Them

    5 Common Stains in the Kitchen and How To Clean Them

    By Carl Pronti

    The kitchen is often the hub of homes, which means it sees a lot of activity. As a result, there are stains on countertops and floors that often seem impossible to budge. Trying to stay on top of the kitchen...

  • Ultimate Guide to a Spotless Kitchen Sink with CleanHQ

    Ultimate Guide to a Spotless Kitchen Sink with CleanHQ

    By Carl Pronti

    The kitchen is a germ hotspot. Whether it's food particles from dirty dishes or the grim that comes from endless hand-washing, the kitchen sink is filthy whether you can see it or not. So, regular cleaning is a must! People...

  • 6 Must-Have Cleaning Products for the Kitchen

    6 Must-Have Cleaning Products for the Kitchen

    By Carl Pronti

    Are you ready to turn your kitchen into a pristine paradise? Keeping your kitchen clean might sound like a chore, but it doesn't have to be! Here at CleanHQ, we've handpicked six absolute must-have products that will transform your kitchen...

  • The Votes Are In! 2023 Cleanie Awards Winners

    The Votes Are In! 2023 Cleanie Awards Winners

    By Carl Pronti

    With the entertainment award season just around the corner, it makes perfect sense that we take this opportunity to announce the winners of the most important show around – The Cleanie Awards! They can try to steal our shine, but...

  • Organise Your Home, Unwind Your Mind: Guide to Stress-Free Living

    Organise Your Home, Unwind Your Mind: Guide to Stress-Free Living

    By Carl Pronti

    Life can often feel like a whirlwind of responsibilities. Between work, family commitments, and personal wellbeing, maintaining a spick and span home might seem impossible. But what if cleaning up your living space could be the secret weapon against stress?...