· By Carl Pronti
Making your spring clean a breeze
Spring is here and there's no better time to implement a few cleaning hacks, and reclaim some space at home. It's an arduous task relished by few, so let's discuss a few ideas to clean up your spring cleaning process, aided by some innovative new products along the way:
- Be time efficient
If you're taking on a big job, going over the same steps twice is only going to
make the job harder still. To help here, try to combine jobs together, to avoid
retreading the same ground. For example, if you're in the kitchen to clean the
bench-tops, consider doing some general tidying of the space at the same time.
You're going to have to take everything off the bench to clean up properly
anyway, that doesn't mean that it all needs to go back on.
- Have an assigned storage space
Not everything in your home is going to need to be easily accessible all the
time, so having a space to store things away (such as photo albums or camping
gear) is going to be a good idea. Inside that space, be sure to optimise it,
with storage tools like Tubtrugs. With them being flexible, reusable tubs,
it'll mean that you can store a strong variety of items there, making the most
out of the space you have.
- Plan ahead
Having a plan before starting your cleaning has a lot of benefits, and is going
to mean that you don't have to waste too much time. Making sure you are
properly stocked with cleaning supplies, for example, is going to be a key part
of organisation. If you know in advance that you have some tough grime to take
care of since you haven't cleaned the barbecue in a year, picking up a tub of
The Pink Stuff paste in advance is going to go a long way in helping the
process. If you have help, making sure that people know what they are doing
means you won't do the same job twice. The list of planning benefits goes on,
but be prepared.
- Use the chance to reset routines
You've cleaned up all the messes your pets have created, the garden is tidier
than ever and you've never been more organised in your life. It's all going to
be for naught if processes go back to normal and the mess is back in a month.
Have the plan and tools available to keep your clean lifestyle up. With tools
at your disposal like the reusable Scrub Daddy, your cleaning can become easier
than ever, making your ongoing plan to keep your home clean a breeze. 10
minutes a day is always less painful than 10 hours once a year.
The above cleaning hacks should be guaranteed to make your spring cleaning a
breeze, so all the best over the cleaning season!